Belarus. Weather conditions led to faster planting of early spring crops

The soil warming process on March 21-31 was curbed by variable air temperatures: topsoil freeze events occurred in many areas due to below-zero night temperatures. Soil temperature at a 10-cm depth averaged +3 – +5°С in the southern half of the country, reaching +7°С in the southwest of Brest region. Large-scale planting of early spring crops was underway in Minsk and Grodno regions.

Warm, mostly dry weather on last days of March led to topsoil warming and drying. This allowed farmers to speed up fieldwork and planting of early spring crops, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Belarus. Sowing progress, April 1, 2019


Projected area, Th ha

Planted area, Th ha


Early spring grains and pulses




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