Bulgaria. Winter crops were in deep dormancy

Weather conditions were not suitable for fieldwork in areas earmarked for spring crops. The weather was unstable with frequent rain and rising air temperatures.

Soil moisture. Following a long winter drought, the amount of precipitation increased that improved the topsoil moisture content. 10-25 cm snow cover protected winter crops from critically low temperatures (down to -15°C) and prevented winter kill.

Crop condition. Winter crops were in deep dormancy, reports UkrAgroConsult.

More detailed information on the latest trends in grain exports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop, price behavior, crop conditions and progress in harvesting/planting in the countries of Black Sea Region is available to subscribers for Online Analytics "Black Sea Grain" in the new innovative tool for agri market participants – AgriSupp by UkrAgroConsult. We offer 7-days trial! Completely free!



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