Romania. The topsoil is wet enough due recent precipitation

Weather conditions. Air temperatures this past week were within their long-term normal range, with higher levels seen in the north of the country (2..4°С above normal). The average air temperature equaled -4..+10°С.

Moisture supply. Precipitation in the form of rain and sleet occurred everywhere except for the east. High rates were observed in the west (25 mm over the week) and north (15-25 mm), while the south received 10-25 mm. Due to above-freezing daytime temperatures, snow cover is only seen in mountainous areas and locally in the north.

Over the past two weeks, precipitation in the north exceeded its long-term normal amount by 400-600%. A precipitation deficit is now reported locally in the south (60-80% of long-term normals).

The topsoil is wet enough, but deeper layers are short of moisture – this is an unfavorable factor ahead of spring planting, reports UkrAgroConsult.

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