22 agro businessmen listed in the TOP-100 wealthiest people of Ukraine

22 agribusinessmen are listed in the rating of the TOP-100 wealthiest people of Ukraine, compiled by Novoye Vremya and the investment company Dragon Capital.

The rating includes the following businessmen:

8th place — Yuri Kosyuk, the owner of the company Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), with the wealth of USD 908 million, which increased by 31% compared to the previous year;
10th — Alexander and Galina Gerega, the founders of Agroholding 2012  — USD 843 million (+22%);
12th — Alexey Vadatursky, CEO of NIBULON — USD 549 million (–6%);
15th — Andrei Verevskiy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kernel, and Ruslan Verevskiy — USD 420 million (–6%);
16th — Cascade Investment Fund beneficiary, Member of Parliament of Ukraine Vitaliy Khomutynnik — USD 390 million (+45%);
20th — Vladimir Kostelman, CEO of Fozzy Group — USD 269 million (+18%);
22nd — Sergei Tigipko, the owner of TAS (TAS AGRO) — USD$ 223 million (–3%);
38th — Vitaliy Hayduk, the owner of the Ukrainian Dairy Company — USD 123 million (+44%);
39th — Roman Chigir, co-owner of Fozzy Group — USD 121 million (+18%);
40th — Oleg Sotnikov, co-owner of Fozzy Group — USD 121 million (+18%);
46th — Boris Kolesnikov, the owner of the company APK-Invest — USD 112 million (+35%);
49th — Sergei Krolevets, the owner of the company Eridon — USD 111 million (–10%);
54th — Taras Barschovski, the owner of T.B. Fruit — USD 103 million (+108%);
68th — Fedor Shpig, co-owner of the holding Milk Alliance — USD 85 million (+17%);
71st — Alexander Petrov, Chairman of the Board of the company IMC — USD 80 million (+27%);
72nd — Evgeniy Sigal, co-founder of Agromars — USD 80 million (–10%);
75th — Viktor Ivanchyk, CEO of the agro-industrial holding Astarta-Kyiv — USD 74 million (–41%);
76th — the co-owner of Milk Alliance Aleksandr Derkach — USD 71 million (+18%);
78th — Rafael Goroyan, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Prometey Group of Companies — USD 69 million (+1%);
83rd — the CEO of Ovostar Union Boris Belikov — USD 57 million (–2%);
84th — Vitaliy Veresenko, co-owner of Ovostar Union — USD 57 million (–2%);
86th — Alexander Kuzminsky, the founder and the owner of the Globino group of enterprises — USD 57 million (+33%).

Rinat Akhmetov is the leader of the rating of the richest Ukrainians. Due to the growing demand for metals, his wealth increased by 76%.



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