Kazakhstan. The conditions were favorable for crops to survive the winter

Weather conditions. On January 21-31, air temperatures in winter crop growing areas mostly exceeded normal levels: by 3…6˚С in the south, by 3…8˚С in the southeast and by 4…7˚С in the west.

Moisture supply. Abundant precipitation in the form of snow was seen everywhere. The lowest soil temperature at the tillering node depth of winter wheat (3 cm) was -1…4˚C in Almaty region, -5˚C in Jambyl region and 0˚C to -1˚C in Turkestan region. The height of snow cover in Almaty region ranged from 2 to 26 cm, locally reaching 32-60 cm. Jambyl region was covered with 2 to 7 cm of snow, locally with 12-18 cm. Turkestan region was free of snow, but up to 2-6 cm was seen in some areas there. Winter grains in West Kazakhstan region remain under persistent snow cover (15-19 cm). It protected the plants, therefore low temperatures on the ground surface (11-27˚C below freezing) were not that dangerous to their survival.

Crop condition. The conditions were favorable for winter crops to survive the winter, reports UkrAgroConsult.

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