Romania. Precipitation deficit results in cutting winter crops, corn and sunflower crop estimates

Weather conditions. Air temperatures in Romania were within +15..+30°C, i.e. stayed 4..6°C above their long-term normals.

Moisture supply. As before, precipitation only occurred in the west and north of the country. Soil moisture in other regions remains scarce that is unfavorable for growing winter rape and planting winter barley and wheat. Most likely, the planted area of rape will not exceed that of 2020.

Weather forecast for September 1-6: air temperatures in the country will remain at increased levels (4..6°C above normals, +32..+37°C in the south), 10-25 mm of precipitation is expected in the west and north.

Farmers continue harvesting corn and sunflower. UkrAgroConsult cuts its forecast for Romanian production of winter crops, corn, and sunflower due to the precipitation deficit in August.

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